Part 1:
                            People always use the argument that Louis never looks happy with Eleanor, most
                            of the time using this picture as proof:
                                   Why did the person who made this picture, only put a picture of ‘Larry’
                                   smiling and not Elounor?
That’s not exactly fair is it… considering there’s
                                   a few they could chose from.
                                   Can I just take this time to say a picture is a split second of
                                   a moment… People seem to forget that nobody walks down the street with a
                                   permanent smile on their face. I know I don’t walk down the street smiling at 
                                   strangers and I’d be much less likely to do so if that stranger is shoving a
                                   camera in my face. Louis has looked unhappy in pictures where he’s standing or
                                   sitting right next to Harry and the rest of One Direction… but no one says
                                   anything about that, do they?
                                  Like at an award show/red carpet standing alongside Harry and the boys:
                                                Or a book signing where Harry is in the same room…
                                              Or on a video shoot which he is shooting with Harry… 
                                               Or when he’s in the same car as Harry and the boys:
                                                      Or walking down the street with One Direction
                                          Now, I’m not saying Louis wasn’t happy in these places
                                          or at the time of the pictures being taken…. I’m just proving that pictures 
                                          taken at a certain time from a certain angle can be misleading. He
                                          could look upset or angry in these or other pictures only to be smiling a second
                                          later that the cameras didn’t catch.
                                          Plus… Let’s not forget all the times he DOES look happy with
                                          Eleanor- although so many fans tend to overlook and dismiss them. I’m so tired 
                                          of seeing people who hate ‘Elounor’ only using pictures of them not smiling or
                                          being affectionate as proof they’re fake.
                                          Why don’t you use one of these to prove they’re fake’…
                                           If you’re honestly still believing Louis does not even look slightly 
                                           happy in any of these pictures, you’re in denial.
                                           Another argument Elounor haters make is that they’re too often
                                           photographed professionally to be real.
Well, that’s just what happens
                                           when you’re part of the ‘biggest boy band in the world’. They’re also bound to
                                           get photographed a bit when his fans take such an interest in the relationship
                                           ....What about all the times they weren’t photographed by 
. So tell me…. Why on earth would they bother being
                                           together without paps around?
They don’t know for sure that fans will be
                                           able to take clear pictures, in fact most of the time fans do not take
                                           professional pictures at all.
                                 Why be affectionate if the paps aren’t around to capture it? What’s the 
                                 point if this whole thing is fake? 
                                                      Not exactly the best quality are they?
                              (Below) Eleanor wasn’t even supposed to be in the picture… Why would they be 
                              together without planning a picture session?
                               I’ve never seen any of those in any magazines or newspapers , only twitter and
                               I’m just saying… They spend an AWFUL lot of time together 
                               without trying to be in the spotlight for two people who aren’t in a
                               relationship. Surely if she was a beard, she would go to a few concerts, go out
                               a few times with him every few months with paparazzi around and go back to Uni.
                               Louis spends basically all of his time off with Eleanor… why would he do that if
                               they weren’t together? Going off on holiday where people have to guess where 
                               they are or him going to stay with her in Manchester? Surely, he would spend
                               time with his friends or go home to Doncaster on his days off if it was fake or
                               not serious. 
                              Eleanor is close to Louis’ mum and sisters. Why would she take the time to
                              become so close to them if it was only a job? Why would Louis introduce her as
                              his girlfriend if it was all fake? We all know Louis is protective of his loved
                              ones so why would he expose his sisters to Eleanor if he wasn’t serious about 
                              her? What would be the point exactly… They don’t care about what kind of
                              publicity the couple gets.
                                 I highly doubt he would allow his sisters to get attached to Eleanor if she was
                                 fake and only on a contract. Why would he even bother?
                                  Let’s not forget how close Eleanor is to Louis’ mum ;
                                                                             Or his sisters….
                                  I think people forget that Louis’ mother trusted Eleanor enough to take his
                                  sisters from the UK to America by herself. Why would she let some random girl 
                                  take her daughters across the world if she wasn’t close or didn’t trust her? 
If she was a beard, that wouldn’t really be in her job description now
                                  would it? 
She’s not a babysitter for Louis’ family but she seemed
                                  happy enough to do it…
                        What about all the other times she’s met or talked to his family? (that we know of)
                                     I just don’t think Louis would expose a fake relationship to his sisters
                                     (especially the youngest ones) if he knew 100% that it’s all fake and for 
                                     publicity. It just doesn’t make sense. Louis is close to his mum and I’m pretty
                                     sure he would tell her if it wasn’t real because he wouldn’t need to pretend at 
                                     home, in front of his family would he? No.
                                     His mum seems to love Eleanor as do his sisters as they already act like family
                                     with her.
                                    One argument that drives me crazy is: Eleanor is using Louis for fame or 
Why would Eleanor care or want the attention that
                                    she receives from One Direction fans? What would she do with the fame?
                                    She has no movies or CD’s that fans can buy. She is only a student, it 
                                    doesn’t exactly give her advantages at University does it? I mean, she still has 
                                    to pay and work hard to get good grades just like everyone else. She’s not an 
                                    actress, singer or model despite what people believe so it doesn’t help her get 
                                    more jobs or make money. Eleanor only worked as part of the staff at a Hollister 
                                    store and everyone suddenly thinks she’s a model. 
                                    NOT A MODEL. (although she probably could be if she wanted to.)
                                    To be honest, most of the time when she’s alone with a bunch of fans she just 
                                    smiles or waves. Most of the time she doesn’t really speak to them much apart
                                    from saying ‘hi’ or whatever. Even when she’s with Louis or Danielle, she still
                                    stands off to the side and kind of just does whatever she wants. There’s a 
                                    reason why so many people don’t know what she sounds like since there’s hardly
                                    any videos of her interacting with the fans and why should she. ELEANOR KNOWS 
                                   CALDER FANS’
SO WHY SHOULD SHE TALK TO THEM? She doesn’t owe fans anything.
                                Not really the way a person would act if they love or crave the attention
                               from fans.
                               Let’s not forget all the times she’s not wanted to be seen by paparazzi
                               or the fans ;
                                                                  LET. ME. MAKE. THIS. CLEAR. 
                                  HAVE HER PICTURE TAKEN.
                                  As a ‘beard’ or ‘cover-up’ her job WOULD be to take as many pictures as possible
                                  with Louis and pose with him. They can’t really be taken seriously if she’s
                                  hiding behind him or covering her face. She’d probably get fired for refusing to 
                                  take pictures since that’s the whole reason she’s there, isn’t it?
                                                              Face facts, kiddos. Eleanor is not a beard. 
PART 4: why Larry Stylinson is not.
                                 You can not use gifs as proof of your ‘ship’. All of the boys are affectionate
                                 with each other… not just Larry. Of course when you make them slower 
                                 they look more romantic than they are.
Gifs don’t just work for your
                                                                       This proves Larry right?
                                                                     OK, this proves Zouis then:
                                                                                 Proof of Larry:
                                                                                  Proof of Zouis:
                                                             Infact… here’s some proof of Zarry also:
                                                                                Proof of Larry…
                                                                                 Proof of Zouis…
                               Oh look, Louis is kissing Harry on the cheek. See, I told you they’re in 
                               love. Aww, they’re so cute.
                                   #No one else in the band has moments like this. #No other ship does
                                   that. NO OTHER BAND SHIP GETS THAT CLOSE TO EACH OTHER.
                                      Oooo AND Louis was the only one to really help and comfort
                                      Harry through the whole X Factor stage. Louis and Harry only really cared about
                                      each other… it was always ‘#LARRY
                                   Hmmm. yeah. Harry only ever cared for or wanted Louis. Yep. He never 
                                   wanted help from anyone else.He only had moments like that with
                                   Louis. Louis never hugged anyone else either. yup.
                                   #IT’S ALL IN THE WAY LARRY LOOK AND ACT WITH EACH OTHER!
                                Yep. Harry and Louis do not watch anyone else while they’re talking. At
                                all. Never.
They only give each other the ‘look’.
                                     You can pretty much use these or half a million other gifs of the band to
                                     ‘prove’ that they’re in love or are boyfriends or like each other. They don’t 
                                     mean a thing.
They certainly doesn't prove Larry Stylinsons love for 
                                     each other. 
                                     It’s all fun and a joke until you start calling someone a beard and giving abuse 
                                     to the boys and their family/friends.Certain shippers (some NOT ALL)
                                     need to shut up with this weak argument. 
                                    #NO ONE ELSE IN THE BAND IS AFFECTIONATE WITH ANYONE RIGHT?
                                        Oh crap look… Louis cuddling up to Zayn rather than Harry.
.. shocker. Harry
 holding onto Liam and not Louis? Outrage.
                                        Oh wait it’s not because no one seems to care what the rest of the boy 
                                        band do to each other. It’s only Larry that’s taken seriously? Bit hypocritical. 
                                        I see a difference in the affection Louis gives to Eleanor compared to the boys. 
                                        It looks a lot more serious and tender. It looks sweeter and more protective.
                                        Obviously, I’m only basing this off of the few pictures we have but to me it
                                        looks different to him hugging the boys as a joke or kissing them on the cheek.
                                   Really take the time to compare the pictures. His smiles and body 
                                   language in the pictures I put and compare the two. You must see a slight
                                   difference at least from the way he hugs Zayn or Harry compared to 

I honestly do believe Louis is in love with Eleanor  and no one else. 

PART 5: harry is not gay.
                                  Sorry but I don’t believe Harry is gay. He’s said he is not more than once, as 
                                  have the rest of the band. He’s known as the ‘cheeky flirt’ and  most
                                  confident with the ladies, a role he’s always seemed happy enough to have.
                                  People argue that the whole ‘Emma Ostilly kiss’ thing was all publicity and 
                                  while I can see how it would be but… I think he could of declined to do it. 
                                  Surely, he didn’t have to do it, did he? Let’s take a second to think about it. 
                                  Did most One Direction fans really know who she was before?… Not really. I’m 
                                  sure he could have easily said no to going out with someone who is pretty much
                                I don’t know a reason why his management would make him go out and kiss some
                                girl who’s not exactly going to give him many headlines or stories… Maybe one or
                                two but that’s it.
She doesn’t bring much to the table, does she? Plus around this time,
                                there were still rumours of him and Caroline going around a little bit (the press clung to that for
and a few rumors of him and Taylor Swift meeting. He wouldn’t exactly need
                               ANOTHER girl to make him seem like a ‘ladies man’ or ‘straight’.
                                I think he probably agreed to go ahead with her for publicity or just befriended
                                her while they were in Australia or wherever and it was a genuine date. Either
                                way he must have agreed to go out with her (whether as press for her or because 
                                he did like her we’ll never know) and if he did, how can he be completely gay?
                                Agreeing to take a girl out and kiss her… Doesn’t scream gay does it? 
                                   (in the pic above) he’s smiling while looking at her? Doesn’t really say
                                   he’s being miserably forced to be with her does it? Whether just as friends or 
                                   not. He looks quite happy to be there. (further proving my point
                                   that it’s either genuine or that he actually agreed to take her out instead of
                                   being forced by management.)
                                                 Plus, let’s not forget he knew her prior to this little outing:
                                   And wanted to take her out and bring her back to his hotel room even
                                   after that one date. Bit unnecessary considering they had already made it into
                                   magazines and all over twitter due to their little kiss. 
                                  Doesn’t make much sense for him to do that unless he actually did like her.
                                  Not the actions of gay man, people.
                                                                   Now, onto the famous.. Haroline.
                           Everyone knows that Harry had always had a crush on her, which you can see from 
                           quite a few interviews the boys did around the time What Makes You Beautiful
                           came out. No one accused Caroline of being a cover up at the time and I’m not
                           really sure why? Everyone was too busy focusing on the age gap I think. Anyways, 
                           recently, Harry’s old friend Nick talked about how Harry played him a CD that
                           Caroline made for Harry. (You can read it here: 
                           … Not something you do for your ‘fake’ boyfriend. Plus watching the interview 
                           they did for Xtra Factor made it kind of obvious. He couldn’t stop smiling and
                           looking at her and was constantly trying to whisper things to her.
                           (interview: )
                                                           Let’s not forget their infamous sleepovers:
                                                            Or that time she dropped him off at a concert:
                               Bit extreme if it’s fake, don’t you think? There was also a time when Caroline’s
                               twin sister dropped Harry off at a train station. Weird to bring her family into 
                               it, don’t you think? Harry’s mum also told a magazine that she had met Caroline
                               and thought she was really nice. Why would he bring her home if he didn’t
                                                 All evidence points toward Haroline being 100% real
                          What about all the girls he’s given a ride in his car to or taken back to his place?
                              Whether they slept together or not, he seems to have an interest in blonde girls
                              which everyone comments on all the time. I think he would have a crush on both
                              girls above, especially since there were so many rumours going around that Harry
                              really liked Cara (girl in first pic) but due to HER management, they couldn’t 
                              be together. According to a large amount of magazines, Cara’s management felt
                              Cara dating Harry would give her the wrong type of image as a model so she broke 
                              it off.
                                              Again, gives me the impression Harry Styles is not gay. 
                                    Oh and lets not forget that DJ that was married that Harry slept with.
                                    It broke up her marriage. Again… Gives me the hint that Harry’s not
                                                                      Article about them here; and it is true as her and her husband got divorced because of it. Her husband spoke
to the press and called Harry some names and blamed him for ruining the marriage.
Whoops. Yep, Harry seems so gay. Gay guys always sleep with girls.
 Plus, everyone says he had a crush on Cher during X Factor and was flirty with her. Even now, people still ship them.
                                      Oh and remember when he took a ‘trip down Madisons Avenue’
                                                                                 Totally gay.
                           Or what about all his girlfriends/ hook-ups before he was famous or just after?
                                            Example : HIS EX-GIRLFRIEND FLISS (FELICITY)
                                                          Not looking too gay to me there either. :)

                                   Touchy subject with the ‘Haylor’ thing since I personally do believe it was 
                                   slightly forced although it is part of his dating history so I’ll include it.
He did take her home and introduce her to his sister
                                   and apparently his mum so it could have been completely
I do believe her song ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ is about Harry
                                   though, since he was rumored to be dating her when he kissed Emma Ostilly and 
                                   she ended it. 

                                 His friend Nick in a recent article also said that Harry had a crush on her
                                 before he became famous so who knows? It wasn’t very long but some people
                                 thought they were cute and still ship it.  The boys teased him quite a lot
                                 about her before they became ‘official’ so I think they could have been
                                 completely real and together.
He did introduce her to Lux and we all
                                 know how protective he is of her so…
                              To be honest from all of this, if you still think Harry is COMPLETELY GAY and 
                              always has been then maybe you should rethink. I’m not here to say I know
                              everything about Harry or his love life. I’m simply stating everything the fans
                              and media have seen or been exposed to whether Harry wanted them to know or not. 
                              In my eyes, he likes women but I’m not going to argue if you honestly believe
                              he’ll never marry a woman or have a girlfriend. That’s your viewpoint.
                              Larry argument #192847392 ; Louis doesn't ever look happy or in love with Eleanor don't
                              even try to deny it.
                                                                                Yes… Louis.
                                                        you may need to check your opinion again
                               Eleanor is a good girlfriend! She puts up with some much hate and so many 
                               accusations and most of the time, she just ignores all of it. I definitely
                               wouldn’t if I was her. She supports Louis completely and is always present at
                               important stages of his career and life.
                               She was present:
                               - both BRIT awards ( 2012 & 2013)
                               - MSG performance
                               - the VMAs
                               - part of the boys American tour
                               - all of the O2 dates for the Take Me Home Tour
                               - when the boys performed Little Things on X Factor in 2012 and when they
                                 performed Gotta Be You in 2011

                               - Louis' 21st birthday
                               - she stayed with Louis' family over Christmas 2012 (confirmed by Louis' mom)
                               - his football game (for his club in Yorkshire)
                               - the 2012 Olympics performance. 
                               Just look at how many times she’s been spotted at a concert (These are the only pics I could find
                               at the moment, they’re not the only ones)
                           She’s gone more times than I’ve recorded here in pictures, I mean if she was a
                           beard surely she wouldn’t need to go so many times. Especially when they’re in 
                           America or the UK where she went to the concerts back to back. She could just go
                           to one or two and then leave. To be honest, she wouldn’t even really need to go
                           backstage since the whole point would be for everyone to see her AT the concert,
                           not behind the scenes.
                                        Let’s not forget the fact the boys call her ‘The Female Louis’

                                              They’re a cute couple who do normal things together like:
                                                                                 Go shopping
                                                                        going on holiday together
                                                                          Having family meals
                                                       tweeting/instagram photos involving the other
                                                              Decorating for the holidays together
                                                                    Celebrating birthdays together
                                                                     Going on dates together
                                                                     taking cute pictures together
                                                                  Kissing/Being affectionate
                                         If Louis wasn’t famous and you had no idea who he was, would you really look at 
                                         them differently than other other couple? If you saw the two of them walking
                                         down the street holding hands, talking  and laughing would you really 
                                         question and analyse it so much?
                                                      See Elounor how they really are… A normal couple
                                                                                                                Think about it for a minute…
                                           If you met Harry right now and you both got along great and 
                                           eventually ended up in a relationship, would you want to be accused of being a   
                                           Do you think you would be able to stand the constant hate messages, press
                                           coverage and accusations aimed at you every day?
                                           All you would have done was start a relationship with a guy you
                                           really like …and yet everyone calls it fake and forced? How would it feel having
                                           every move you make being judged? How would you act when loads
                                           of cameras are around, knowing that everyone who sees those pictures will judge
                                           every look and touch you and your boyfriend have? It would make it hard to act
                                           completely natural, don’t you think?
                                                    Do you think you would handle it as well as Eleanor does? Really? 
                                           Could you ignore all the hate and just focus on your relationship
                                           despite the fact it will always be in the back of your mind? People judging you
                                           by how you dress, how you do your hair, how you talk, your weight, how you do
                                           your make-up, the way you tweet, the music you listen to, the way you look at
                                           your boyfriend or the way you hold his hand in pictures.
                                                                          Doesn’t sound very nice, does it?
                                          Maybe you should consider all of those thoughts running through Eleanor’s mind 
                                          every time she’s photographed with Louis. You only see the end result of a 
                                          picture, you don’t see all the men standing around her constantly flashing their
                                          cameras at her or talking to her and Louis. To be honest, I think she does a
                                          great job at handling everything considering she isn’t even in the business. I
                                          know I would be uncomfortable constantly and hesitant. You have to give her a
                                          break sometimes.
                                          I’m sure Louis knows she must feel out of place or weird about it at times which
                                          is probably why he holds her hand so tight in certain pictures or does certain
                                          little gestures such as talking to her or holding her knee. Did you ever
                                          contemplate that idea? 
                                       If that was you and Harry… a normal girl and a member of the most
                                       famous band in the world, can you really say you’d act any differently?
part 6 ; subtopic - harry and the boys do not hate Eleanor
                          How would you know if Harry hates Eleanor? Obviously I have no idea exactly how
                          he feels about her but from the pics I’ve seen of the group he seems fine and
                          friendly with her.
                                                The look he’s giving her doesn’t really say ‘I hate you’. 
                                Standing right in front of them and he doesn’t seem to care at all about what
                                they’re doing. Why should he?
                                  See, he’s having a good time, despite them being there. People need to stop
                                  saying that Elounor makes Harry sad or makes him cry. No, I don’t believe they
                                  do. To be honest, I don’t think he cares at all what they do and vice versa. 
                                 SEE… HARRY SMILING IN THE PRESENCE OF ELEANOR. CRAZY. 
                               Oh and lets not forget the time, Harry Louis and Eleanor went to a bar together 
                               and a fan took a photo. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE PHOTO? Oh Em Gee.. 
                               Harry and Eleanor talking? Never. 
                               That’s not the only time they’ve been captured talking. I made these print
                               screen myself since of course no one wants to gif them properly as no one wants
                               to acknowledge that Harry really doesn’t care what Louis and Eleanor are doing.
                                Eleanor is in the black and white dress, Louis is in the blue shirt right in
                                front of her and Harry is in the black shirt next to Louis. She’s actually
                                talking to Harry in the video (which is from the VMAs if you wish to check.) and
                                not just Louis. He turned his head and we can’t see if he’s talking back but I
                                assume so. I doubt Eleanor would bother talking to Harry if she knew he hated
                                her or she hated him. Doesn’t make much sense really.
                                Or that time at the airport where Eleanor and Louis were kissing, 
                                hugging and holding hands. ALL IN FRONT OF HARRY… and guess what? 
                                He didn’t really give a crap.
                                   See, he’s literally looking right past them. That’s just his friend and his
                                   girlfriend saying goodbye… No big deal.
                                   He also didn’t care when Elounor kissed while he was in the car.
                                                Or when she walked right past him to get into a car.
                                            Or when they kissed and Louis was sitting right next to him
              Or the time he tweeted a pic of Louis and Eleanor HIMSELF while she was in their flat
              (when they lived together)
                                Or when she was in the dressing room while he was getting his hair done.
                                (in the black shirt behind)
                              (that pic looks like Harry to me as he was wearing a black shirt that day, Lou
                              Teasdale is doing his hair, his shoulders are broad, he has brown hair and 
                              Eleanor’s arms and legs are covering most of his arms so you can’t see any
                              tattoos anyway.)
                              Sorry but doesn’t look like he absolutely hates her and never wants her around. 
                              He looks absolutely fine with her being there.
                                 She looks like she gets along great with every other member as well:
                                                EVERY OTHER ARGUMENT IS INVALID. GOODBYE
4/2/2020 08:57:29 am

I don't ship Elounor, and I do ship Larry. I also think Larry is real, which is the reason I ship then. Because in general I am not a big fan of shipping real life people, that I don't know personally (and ship to tease) or actual couples. Ofcourse Neither Harry or Louis has confirmed (or actually denied) the relationship. But I am not a fan of the fanfiction or questions about it in interviews and stuff. I feel like that is intrusive. I only enjoy the video's on youtube, which I feel should be allowed to make for every ship, and because they make me genuinly happy. Even if it is just a bromance. I don't want to jump to any conclusions or intrude or be rude in any way, which is why I don't mind or hate Eleanor. I think maybe she and Louis are just really good and close friends, because male/female best friends exist. And those can also be introduced and close to family. My theory is Louis is afraid of being out and Eleanor, being the sweet best friend she is, helps him cover up. I also think Louis and Harry broke up, maybe or they're back together now. And Freddie is definetly real and Louis' child, people who say he isn't are crazy. No one is going to have a fake child. Especially not if you're in the spotlights like Louis, and no one is going to keep that lie alive for 4 years. I read this because I am well aware Larries do not show every side of Elounor, and you didn't show the actual proof of Larry. I like to look at every side and come to my own conclusion without being influenced by only one side. So thank you this post was very insightful, I still ship larry though- but that is my own conclusion :)

5/16/2020 04:50:32 am

This is eye opener. I now think of Eleanor's hardships because of media and us, larry shippers. I'm starting to...what do you call that? Unlarry? I guess so...because it's just disrespectful to Louis to force him into something he doesn't confirm yet. I am a super duper Larry shipper but things started to turn around because of this. I pity Eleanor, but i am enraptured by their relationship.

I also thought of Larry's friendship, and how they get uncomfortable because of this. Can i share the link of this to twitter? I want my fellow larries to somehow view things in Elounor shippers perspective. And how can i also talk to you? Like DM?....i want to share my opinions because i'm getting more and more "Elounor shipper" by every second.

2/17/2021 12:40:25 am

this is literally the reason i don't believe in larry

4/15/2021 07:39:56 am

This post was the reason I never became a larry.

4/27/2022 05:23:13 am

All of this is well put together, but don't change the FACT that Harry HIMSELF said that him and Louis were dating and there's video of that. Also that LOUIS said in a video a fan recorded that He and Harry were engaged, but it's confidential, and they're not telling the general public. Those two videos are the ONLY proof I have Ever needed!


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    would he say he's in L-O-V-E, well if it was me I would.
    psssst, click read more. (:


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