harry is pigeon toed
                             like                    really                     really                  pigeon                            toed            
                                                    look at the cutie just a casual leg twist its okay
                                                                                 but what it this?
                                                                                      u ok
                                                                    put that tongue away i s2g
                                                                           2 lazy to post all 6 pics
let’s ignore how good his hair looks and louis’ really big butt in the background and focus on the fact that harry’s left foot is almost at a 90 degree angle to his right foot????
                                                also ignore his tight t-shirt (if u can) and look at his feet
                                                                            here’s a close up for ya
                                                                          ????? is that comfortable??

                                                and this isnt even a new thing like even as a fetus its been there

                                                                       (nice boots btw)
                                             the next one doesnt even count i just wanted it here
                                                                we also have his pigeon toes in action
                                                                   even when he’s sitting bless him
                              ((its not even that bad here but lets just appreciate how good he looked this day))
                                                             i dont even understand this one????
                                                                                  and finally
                                                                         is he dancing? i dont know

                                                          all i know is that harry styles is very very pigeon toed
                                                                                      & its so cute.

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    would he say he's in L-O-V-E, well if it was me I would.
    psssst, click read more. (:


    June 2013
    May 2013