                                                                               HASHTAG FLOOR
                                                                                  AMAZE BALLS
                                                                          home.com misses you too
             “We pressed our faces against a fence trying to see you, now we have stained black criss cross everywhere.”:
                                                        “what would you do if you had 24 hours to live?”:
                                                                              “what’s your name?”:
                                                        “you need to make more eye contact with your fans”:
                                                I CANT BRUV YA STANDIN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME INNIT
                                      nevermind the rest of the lot, what /sickens/ him about america is that the 
                                      drinking age is 21
                                                                                      stay classy
                             sometimes he even likes to go to the zoo and bring all the cares he gives with him
                                                             “that’s not a cartwheel!” “it is in my world!”
                                                                                    yes we know
                                                                                RACIST SISTER
                                                         so now u know, he’s only here for the cupcakes
                    roughly 100% of his tweets are about food or sleeping or both. this boy has his priorities in order


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    would he say he's in L-O-V-E, well if it was me I would.
    psssst, click read more. (:


    June 2013
    May 2013